Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Microwave Here...

So..I guess I forgot something in my introductory blog.  In this Tivo, Text Message, and Microwave society that we live in today, we have grown so accustomed to instant gratification that the things that aren't so instant quickly get discarded from our life.
I say all that to bring you to this (some may find it sad) realization: This blog aint no microwave, and I barely know how to use Tivo.  Despite the fact that my buddy Ed (no..he is not my grandad nor is he a horse) says that I am the "Textinist" person he has ever met, one thing that this blog is not gonna bring is instant gratification.  In simple can stop hitting the refresh button on your browser, there probably won't be a new post here daily.  
It's not that my mind doesn't work on a daily basis (although some would argue that this is true), it's just that some days I just never know what part of my mind to put on I don't. 
So what if I'll never end up in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most blogs in a week? So what if I will never end up blogging as much, or as good as my friend Annie? I'm just proud that she inspired me to get here.
So..what will you find here, if you haven't already discarded this blog? Just me...and my mind...on a some-number-of-times-a-month basis. If you need something more regular, I hear fiber is good for that.  
Until nextime...heres to you Mr. Blogathon: I-gotta-blog-so-much-that-my-fingers-are-about-to-fall-off-Man.  

This Bolg's for you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Do What??

It's kinda simple really... my name is Mac and this blog is what is in my mind.  I decided to start opening this window to my 100 Billion thoughts and nerve cells to all of Bloggernation because I realize that I have been given an incredible responsibility by the ULTIMATE communicator to well, communicate.  By whatever means, I must communicate. So here I am...

I do hope you will find this blog, and find it often.  Some of the other things that you will find during your time here are:
1. The way my mind works is weird (it's ok... I already know).
2. A lot of these: ... 
3.  Some funny stories ( or they were when I was posing them..ok?)
4.  An unrelenting passion which leads like a yellow brick road all the way to a story SO AMAZING that you can't even believe it...on your own.

One thing that I hope you WILL NEVER find here is... my mind, aka this blog,  to be boring.  I've been called a lot of things...but never boring.

So... who am I?  I'm so glad you asked...

Well, I am real. I always have a good time. I don't want to grow up, but I thrive off responsibility. I don't sugarcoat my feelings about anything I believe in, I'm just direct and to the point. I believe the most important thing in ANY relationship, romantic or not, is honesty, because honesty leaves nothing to question. I am real. I try to take things for what they are, and not overanalyze anything.  I work smart always and hard if I have to. Why live if you can't laugh? Did I mention that I am real? Living a facade would be way too much work.  No drama please, there is no point. I graduated in June and it feels unbelievable to know I will never sit in a classroom again. I also can't wait to start my own camp one day, but until then I'll just make money, because that’s what college was for, right?? Speaking of college, it was there that I learned that all life is cyclical, and if that is true then I hope I die before I reach the equivalent of school again. I live my life as real as possible, because I am a real person, with real struggles, real weaknesses, and real abilities. I thank Him every day that I was created and bought at a high price by a real God. I can't imagine any other way.

Well there you go...thats who I am.  I hope you can understand.
Now, as for my mind...well, that may take a little longer...