Sunday, January 11, 2009

Beggers CAN be choosers... its been a while..good to see you again. I knew our time apart would just lengthen with that whole microwave bit a few posts down, given everyone (all 2 of 'em) that reads my blog would never again feel brave enough to tell me to "post already!!" for fear of chastization (a new word, I know..I am so proud).

So...Choices..we all have them..and we all make them...but do we really know what we are doing??
Much of my life has been consumed with me failing to make decisions. Like most guys, this is not to be confused with failure to commit...but just failure to make a decision. Even things such as where to eat was a killer. It wasn't so much in that I had too many choices, but instead, the idea that when I made a decision...I now have no more options, I am stuck to that one. maybe a little fear of commitment.

You see, I felt as though there was immense freedom in having a variety of options to choose from.

It wasn't until I discovered, during a conversation with one of my best buddies, something that would change my life, and my decision making forever.

True freedom is not found in having many, but instead, in committing to one.

How ironic.

Our true freedom in life is really found when we finally have the courage to chose something...and commit to it. Sometimes it may even cost us a compromise, but freedom nonetheless. Think about it...when you change jobs, and have to move houses, you are restless and uneasy, until you choose that grey house, even though the closets in the kids rooms may be a little small. Or you're stomach never quits growling until you make the choice to eat at that restaurant, even though their tea is never sweet enough, but their chicken sure is good; or your hands never stop shaking until you grip the steering-wheel of that new black SUV, with the cup holders that are too small, and the back windows that are too dark, is yours.

See.. whether it is a house, where to eat, or what car to buy..TRUE freedom was never felt until the choice was made.

So....a plethora of options, or a commitment to one? The choice is yours.